Intrauterine Devices
The Basics Of IUD
IUD Types
Paragard is the only copper IUD, and it can prevent pregnancy for up to 10 years. It works by interfering with sperm movement, egg fertilization, and may prevent implantation. Paragard is hormone free and can be used whether or not you have had a child. Click here to learn more.A hormonal IUD prevents fertilization by making the mucus in the cervix thick and sticky so sperm can’t get through to the uterus, as well as keeping the lining of the uterus too thin for a fertilized egg to implant.
Mirena is a hormonal IUD that prevents pregnancy for up to 5 years and can also treat heavy periods. It inhibits sperm from reaching and fertilizing an egg, thins the uterine lining, and thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm from entering the uterus. Mirena is recommended for women who have had at least 1 child. Click here to learn more.
Skyla is a hormonal IUD made by the same company as Mirena, but this IUD is smaller. It may be less likely to be expelled in women who have never had a baby because of its smaller size. Skyla can be used for up to 3 years to prevent pregnancy. Click here to learn more.
Kyleena is a hormonal IUD that can prevent pregnancy for up to 5 years. Kyleena releases the lowest dose of hormones for the longest amount of time, compared to other IUDs. It can be used by women whether they have given birth or not. Learn More.
Liletta is a hormonal IUD that is effective in preventing pregnancy for up to 3 years and women can use it regardless of if they have given birth. Click here to learn more.